Tuesday, October 7, 2014

University Life

Well, for those first years like me, we are entering our first experience with midterms. We are just about in our 5th week of classes and hopefully, everyones settling into university life nicely. There have been a lot of new things coming our way in a short period of time and for the next little while it'll be more of the same. Things are getting busy but personally I couldn't be happier with how things are going.

The first thing, and I think the main thing, that is great about university is the people that you become friends with from all over the world. Ive met people, who I am proud to say I now consider friends from different continents, different languages, totally different lives who are now in the same spot as I am and I think thats amazing. Ive met incredible people who have written apps, travelled the world, are five star athletes, anyone who can think of I seem to have met. Its really cool to be around all the time because it totally opens your mind to the possibilities of what are possible. Everyone has such different experiences, but they all seem to come together and interact so fluently, it makes me wonder what is possibilities are possible to come from that.

Then you have classes, and especially in my case, you get to learn exactly what you want to; you get to do exactly what you want and work towards where you want to be. There is a lot of stress that comes from all the work in those classes, but take it for what it is, being marked and assessed and graded just shows you what you don't know, and what you will know even better after relearning. Everything here is a learning experience.

There is so much going on at university, it really is one of the best places to be. Every day something new and exciting happens and it shapes who you will become. Every experience for every person is different, but again the difference in experiences coming together is where innovation can occur, and the thought of that truly gets me excited.

This is how I have found the first few weeks of this new life to be, and I am intrigued to hear about how other peoples experiences have been, so comment below and tell us how things have been for you, wherever you are in your experience.

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