Friday, October 3, 2014

The Pursuit of Knowledge

Recently, some things about my blog have been pointed out to me and I feel it necessary to clarify what this is about. I am not an expert in physics, I don't have a Ph.D, and I am not trying to act like I do. The posts that I make are completely my opinions, interpretations, and thoughts on the topics I am discussing. I know they aren't always going to be right, but thats not why I write them. I don't write to inform people and teach people about physics. I hope I spark an interest in those who read but for correct information this is not the place. I am writing because I want to learn. 

This may seem counterintuitive. How can the one giving the information be learning? Well, as is often the case with teachers, they learn from their students. This is what Im trying to do in a sense. Everything I write is only how I understand things, its not an official published paper on the workings on the universe. I expect to be wrong, because this is how learning truly occurs; by making mistakes. When you make a mistake and you are corrected it opens the door to actual understanding. THAT is why I write. I hope for readers sake you take this as I mean it. I hope you learn as much as I do, but please don't expect me to be right, because I expect the exact opposite of myself.

Let me say again; I am a first year physics student at the University of Waterloo who has a very basic understanding of concepts which form our universe. I cannot remember a time in my life where I have not been completely intrigued by the world around me, and when I didn't want to learn. This is just the next step in my journey of wonder, a journey I never expect to finish. I am writing this blog to explain topics I THINK I know, but I expect not to. I want you as readers to be just as enchanted by these topics as I am, and if you know more than I do PLEASE let everyone else know too. There is a comment section for a reason. Help me with my journey. Help me understand the workings of the universe even better than I do now. Don't feel embarrassed for me that I got it wrong, feel happy you can teach me a deeper understanding. If you have forgotten why I am in this, I encourage you to read my first post. It will explain what this blog is really about; learning.

I know those who pointed out my factual errors in earlier posts felt bad for having to do so, which I obviously understand. But I thank you for helping me fix those errors and helping me understand how things really are. However in the future, don't just enlighten me, enlighten everyone (I again reference the comments section). Knowledge shouldn't be private, and you shouldn't only gain knowledge for a purpose of something more. Look at things with wonder, and never stop wanting to learn. Don't be afraid to make a mistake because like I said that is when REAL learning occurs. The pursuit of knowledge is a two way street, don't be afraid to change directions.

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