Saturday, August 30, 2014

University - The First Frontier

This time tomorrow, I and the many other first year students excited to be embarking on a semester of studies at the University of Waterloo will be moving into their new residences on campus. Goodbyes will have been said, hugs shared, and maybe even a few tears shed. But through it all, we will still be those same nervous, scared, excited young adults looking into the first glimpse of the real world.

None of us has any idea what to expect, but through stories from our parents, tours of the university, and seminars to help us through it all, we are expected to step into this new world and embrace it all. For me at least, I think I am ready to experience everything this new adventure can throw at me. Let me be clear: by no means do I think I'm even close to being able to handle it, but I am ready to experience it, and start living through real life and to have all the growing and learning experiences that come with that. This means I may have to go through some tough times, maybe some failed tests, missing things I'd rather not, and all the other hardships that come with being an adult. But those hardships are what make you interesting, they're what help you grow into the person you're going to be, and without them life would be boring.

I for one am not someone who enjoys boredom. Thats why this week, starting tomorrow, and really continuing from now on throughout my life, I hope to make things interesting, try new things, meet new people and have experiences that I haven't before. That's what will make life fun for me. This is a pretty bold statement for someone of only 17 years and the naivety that comes with that, but I can be bold sometimes. Physics of course will be at the core of my interesting life, but I'm pretty excited for all the none essential parts too.

Tonight is the night I've been dreaming about for years, the eve of going of to university to start this great chapter in my life. I know my parents are having mixed feelings, like all are on nights like this, but I hope like me they'll be able to start a new chapter in their lives, where they can make it even more interesting than the last one. So, with so many things changing in 24 hours, I once again invite you to take this journey with me, to aid me, and to see how interesting we can make things.

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